
2022年的3月20日快到,是春分,也是波斯新年,稱為諾魯茲節。國家地理雜誌的廣播節目【Overheard】特別製作介紹諾魯茲節的節目(30分鐘)。節目製作人自己是伊朗裔美國記者,邀請到也是伊朗裔的國家地理雜誌星空與夜景攝影師Babak Tafreshi聊聊諾魯茲節的對個人的意義,很有意思,分享一下--





P.S. 版主關於波斯獅咬牛的文章介紹請參見:   波斯的獅咬牛與星象圖

廣播中攝影師就是從這開始,說自己小時候仰望星空的感覺。攝影師Babak Tafreshi還提到因為他喜歡星空,小時候會背所有的Omar Khayyam(1048-1131A.D.)的詩作。Omar Khayyam是博物學家,但是以研究天文有名;不過留下一本詩集【Rubaiyat】,所以國家地理雜誌的這位攝影師說他背Omar Khayyam的詩,因為許多跟星空有關。

P.S. 關於Omar Khayyam的介紹請參見:大賽爾柱(The Great Seljuk)的興起與衰敗〜從中亞、到波斯、到土耳其

版主也查了幾首Omar Khayyam的詩分享一下:


Up from Earth's Center through the Seventh Gate

I rose, and on the Throne of Saturn sate

And many knots unraveled by the road

But not the knot of human death and Fate.


Then to the rolling Heaven itself I cried,

Asking “What lamp had destiny to guide?”

“Her little children stumbling in the Dark?”

And – “A blind Understanding!” Heaven replied.


There was a door to which I found no key,

There was a veil past which I found no see,

Some little talk awhile of me and Thee,

There seemed – and then no more of Thee and me.


And that inverted Bowl we call the Sky,

Whereunder crawling coop't we live and die,

Lift not thy hands to It for help—for It

Rolls impotently on as Thou or I.


The gentle breeze will blow a new

Vitality to the frozen earth.

The old will become young.

Their fragrant red cup.

The narcissus eye will glimpse the anemone.

Because of the tyranny of separation endured

The nightingale shall speed

Into the rose garden bursting with song.


With boiling passion's eager haste,

Comes forth the blushing rose;

Shall we not wine like water waste,

Soft dashing as it flows?

Now that our throbbing bosoms prove

The wild desires of hope, and love.

O Hafez! thy delightful lay,

That on the wild wind floats,

Resembles much, our poets say,

The nightingale's rich notes;

What wonder then, thy music flows

In the sweet season of the rose.

主持人還提到在諾魯茲節要布置一個桌子稱為haft sin,桌子上會擺上不同的七個物件(如橄欖、番紅花、小麥、大蒜、蘋果等象徵大地綠意),還要有一本智慧之書。其中主持人的家庭會放一本【可蘭經】,但是諾魯茲節遠早於伊斯蘭的起源,這個新年跟宗教無關,所以還不少家庭會放上哈菲茲的詩集(在伊朗哈菲茲的詩是僅次於【可蘭經】印刷量的書)。我找到一個照片(下圖),看來桌上放的肯定不是【可蘭經】〜


節目中介紹了攝影師Babak Tafreshi的作品,包括伊朗第一高峰 Damavand(5609公尺);

NGC攝影師照片3 (2).jpg

提到一個他在波斯波利斯的Naqsh-e Rostam照的星軌的照片,我在網路上找到這張照片(下圖);

NGC攝影師照片 (2).jpg

也順便分享另一位也是伊朗裔的德國攝影師Amirezza Kamkar拍攝的波斯波利斯的銀河,都非常壯觀!

Palace of Tachara, persepolis (2).jpg


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